Father Carlos Andres Martinez,
Greetings and peace,
I became a priest in 2010. I was ordained by Bishop Ronald Gainer. I’ve been doing my ministry as parochial vicar in Saint Mildred Somerset (2010), Saint Paul Church(2012) and Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary in Lexington (2019).
It is a blessing for me to be called once again to serve in these two wonderful parishes in Somerset and Whitley City and assisting Saint Peter in Monticello. I thank Bishop John Stowe OFM Conv. for giving me the confidence to accompany you. I also want to express to each one of you my prayers, joy, friendship and affection as I begin this new challenge and pastoral work in these wonderful places.
Email: cmartinez@cdlex.org
Phone: 859-285-5210

Father Ben Horn,
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Ben is a Kentucky native, born and raise in Louisville before moving to the Diocese of Lexington to study at the University of Kentucky. He entered college seminary after his sophomore year at UK. After completing his Bachelor's Degree in Catholic Philosophical Thought, he moved back to the diocese and worked as a youth minister in Frankfort and Georgetown. Father then worked at the University of Virginia as a missionary with the Fellowship of Catholic University Students. He then returned to seminary and graduated with a Masters of Divinity from St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Fr. Ben was ordianed a priest by Bishop John Stowe on May 21st, 2022. He spent his first two years at Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary before moving to Somerset in the Summer of 2024.
email: bhorn@cdlex.org
phone: 606-678-5051, Ext. 1899

Gene Cheshire
Gene Cheshire was ordained to the diaconate in 1981 and has served St. Mildred's ever since. A graduate of Catholic grade school and high school, he attended the University of Louisville (go Cards!) where he majored in Chemistry. He married his sweetheart, Martha (Mattie) Cheshire in 1963, and the two have three children and ten grandchildren. Gene has been a member of Kiwanis for 47 years and is also a Knight of Columbus. When not assisting on the altar, you can find Gene singing in the choir.
Email: cheshireg@windstream.net
Home: 606-561-6209, Cell: 606-271-0354

Larry Cranfill
My family came here to Somerset when I was two years old, so I have been a member of St Mildred for almost 61 years. I went to school here thru the 8th grade, and have two brothers and two sisters. I was ordained in 1995, the first class for the diocese of Lexington. I’m married to Tammy Brown Cranfill and we have three kids, Martin Cranfill, Lindsay Shrum, and Meredith King. I have five grand kids and love to play golf!​
Home: 606-678-9119

Marchetta McKinney
Office Manager
Marchetta has been with St. Mildred Catholic Church as our Parish Office Manager for over 29 years! She is an amazing presence in our Parish Office and definitely someone you must meet! Give her a call or stop in to see her and you'll see what we are talking about!
Email: mmckinney@cdlex.org
Phone: 606-678-5051

Karen Rowe
Director of Religious Education
Karen Rowe moved to Kentucky in 2015 from Oneonta, New York. She is married and has three married children and four grandchildren. Karen has been a Catechist for over forty years (!), and we are very blessed to have her experience with us at Saint Mildred's. If you are interested in faith formation, please contact Karen. We are always looking for more ways to share our faith
Email: klrowe@cdlex.org
Phone: 606-678-5051
Mary Ann Guffey
Outreach Director
Mary Ann is originally from Champagne-Urbana, Illinois, and came to Kentucky in the 1970s. Before working at St. Mildred's Outreach Center, she worked at Bethany House spousal abuse center for more than twenty-five years. She volunteered with Outreach for two years before being hired as the Outreach Director in 2015. If you are interested in helping with Outreach, do not hesitate to contact her.
Email: mguffey@cdlex.org
Phone: 606-678-4617