Welcome to Saint Mildred Catholic Church, a vibrant and welcoming community. Join us as we share with you our love for Jesus Christ.
The mission of Saint Mildred Parish is to foster spiritual growth and formation of the community through worship, educational endeavors, and cultural unity.
This Weekend Liturgy
Title | Image | Language | Intentions |
Sat. 5:15 | English | Sister Marty Conrad | |
Sun. 10:15 | English | Henrietta Scott | |
Sun. 1:00 | Spanish | For the people |

Gospel Reflection
Gospel Reflection
Fishers of Men
Today we hear how two key figures in the Bible—Isaiah and Peter—are called. God calls Isaiah in a vision. Jesus calls Simon Peter after performing a miracle. Though both go on to great things on the Lord’s behalf, each initially feels unworthy of their call. Only after being reassured do they respond affirmatively. We may well feel unworthy ourselves of a call to join Jesus on his mission. Let us consider how we can still respond as Isaiah did: “Here I am . . . send me.”

Divine Mercy Chaplet
Divine Mercy Chaplet
After 5:00 PM Mass on Saturday
All are invited to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Please join us up front on the Tabernacle side of church.

First Sacrament of Reconciliation
First Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday, February 8 at 3:30 PM
If your child is in the First communion class or in the upper grades and has not received the sacrament of Reconciliation.

Lenten Penitential Service
Lenten Penitential Service
March 12, 2025 at 6:00 PM
There will be NO HOLY HOUR OR MASS on this day.

Catholic Faith on Demand
The Catholic Parent is a six-episode video series featuring real Catholic families who share their daily struggles and victories as they try to raise holy kids in the modern world.
Click here to sign up today!

Religious Education
Teacher changes!
Starting on March 2, Father Ben or Father Carlos will be leading classes for grades 2- High School and all parents. These classes will be on March 2, 9, and 16

Coat and Blanket Drive
Our Knights of Columbus winter coat and blanket drive is going very well!
A big thanks to everyone who has donated to this important effort. Your generosity has provided many families with nice coats and blankets for the cold weather that we are experiencing this winter.
Please keep giving as it seems we are going to have an exceptionally cold winter season this year!


Super Bowl Party
6:00 PM
O'Bryan Center

St. Mildred
Please remember that your parish contributions are vital. Please drop your offertory in the collection basket or mail to the church office at: 203 S. Central Ave., Somerset, KY 42501.
You can also sign up for online giving. Just click on the Image and it will walk you through the simple process. If you want to sign up and need assistance, please call Marchetta at 606-678-5051.
2024 Diocesan Annual Appeal
Please give generously to the 2024 Annual Appeal by clicking on the "DONATE HERE IMAGE."
Kroger and St. Mildred's
Currently, the parish receives close to $1,000 per year with this program.
Most people who shop at Kroger have a Kroger Plus card. It is as simple as linking your card to St. Mildred Church.
It is super easy to add St. Mildred to your account!
Just sign in to your Kroger account
Search for our church—it is listed as St. Mildred’s Church. Our Organization # is UB386.
Select St. Mildred’s Church and click save.